Monday, December 14, 2009

Hw 28

I'm not sure if I can find 5 sources that insight "cool" in our culture but I know about maybe three websites that talk about being "cool" or keeps us updated on celebrities life or what's going on in the world today.

Gossips about Celebrities and what they think is going on between certain Celebrities or talks about "normal people" and things they do wrong that don't make them look cool.
This is basically the same thing as media take out and they both target the same thing.
this websiite shows mostly videos and some audio and it lets you the new hot videos or news to keep you updated. So in a way it makes you cool because if some one was to ask if you saw that new video you could say yea I seen it on world start hiphop.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 27

What I notice when I interviewed people on the streets was that some haven't been cool all there lifes and some been cool most of there lifes. One guy he was wearing a buisness suit and had a breif case so it look like he was on his way to work and I approched him and asked him what he think the definition of cool is? He said he thinks the definition of cool is being known by a lot of people so when you walk around people would come up to you and say aren't you such and such. Then I asked him was he cool in highschool and college? He said in Highschool he was real cool because he went to a small school and everybody knew eachother but he was known as one of the coolest guys. When he got to college everything chnage because he felt left out and he didnt know everyone. From interviewing that guy I think a lot of people have that same point of view and feel that the less people you know the more uncool you are.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

photos & questions

What is your name? Keith Cash

How old are you? 18

Where are you from? Harlem

What do you think being cool is? A nice dressing person with a lot of friends and a great personality

Do you think you are cool? Yes because I am popular and I make people laugh

Are your friends cool? Yes because if they didn't hang with me they would be losers

What is your name? Raivyn

How old are you? 15

Where are you from? Harlem

What do you think being cool is? Some one that doesn't follow trends but start their own

Do you think you are cool? I don't know

Are your friends cool? Some of them

What is your name? Tazgier

How old are you? 16

Where are you from? Bronx

What do you think being cool is? Being natural and keeping in with the style, staying true to yourself and fucking with the right people.

Are you cool? Yes because am a known person, people like me, I got the baddest bitches on my side and niggas fuck with me and I just know I am

Are your friends cool? Yes they are

What is your name? Lowen Santana
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? Harlem
What do you think being cool is? I don't know
Are you cool? In a way
Are your friends cool? Yea

Monday, November 23, 2009

comments to short stories

TO SAM C:i cant believe you actually used the name but overall it was a good story because you basically took a real life scenario and made a story about because i remember when baggy clothes use to be cool but now fitted clothes is what everyone wears.

TO MICHELLE: hey i like your story it kind of reminds me of grease when they wore leather jackets and have the slick here with the gel. i like you didnt try to make a story from today in our time but had the idea to make a story based on back in the 70s.

TO BRYANNA:joe is ass i dont know what makes him think he could be cool by doing things like that but overall it was a good story by choosing to talk about how some people would do too much just to fit in
TO CHRIS R: interesting story choice, you chose to talk about a divorce dad and how his son thinks his mothers new boyfriend is cool because of a motorcycle rather making a story about some cool kid in school and how everyone wants to be like them.
TO JESSICA: wow you took a whole other turn with your story, being cool wasnt good because she tried to do too much so she started failing. i think that was a good idea because you give a good example of how being cool can also mess you up academically.
ANALYSIS:From reading some of the stories being cool is having the latest things and being known by a lot of people. Also being means a lot of people wants to be like you but what they don't know is being cool can also bring consequences. For example in Jessica's story her main character shaquiqua wanted to be cool so much that she started doing bad in school and when she notice that she wasn't doing as good as she knows she should be doing she changed her ways and gave up on being cool and decided to focus more on her grades to get everything back together.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

short story

Beyonce Minaj was the most coolest girl in school and everybody admire her from teachers to students. Every girl wanted to dress like her and every boy wanted her to be there girl and every time she walks down the hall people stop and stare. She had all the new outifts and shoes and all the girls wanted to them. Beyonce Minaj was getting tired of all the people staring at her and wanted to be like her. One day a couple of girls decided to dress exactly like her and when they got to school people were wondering why they decided to dress like that. When Beyonce Minaj seen them she was upset because some of the uncool people were dress just like her. She went up to them and asked them why they were dress like her and they answered we wanted to be like you. Beyonce Minaj wasn't happy with that so she got mad and smacked all 4 girls that was dress like her. Only 2 girls reacted to the smack and started fighting back. But what the girls didn't know about Beyonce Minaj was that she was a kick boxer and she been training for 10 years. So beat up both the girls and send them to the hospital. Ever since that day nobody ever tried to dress like her and people still admire her coolness.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23

When you are cool does it have something to do with the way you dress or the way you act? I think being cool is based on the things you wear like if you don't have the new gear that everyone wears your not consider cool. That makes people feel uncool because they would see everyone with the new shoes on and they don't have it which makes them want to get it just to feel cool. Being cool is also based on how you act because only people that are cool act a certain way. I'm not to sure how that way is but I'm sure other people know that is. If they are different types of cool then people would be cool in their own way and be some what equal to everyone. I'm not to sure other ways to define cool or other ways that makes a person cool so this blog post is going to be real short.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Art Project (Poem)

You wake and wipe the cold out your eye and check your phone for new messages.

Go wash up and all you can think about is that new message that is waiting on

you when you get out the bathroom. As you get dress you pause in between

pulling your pants up snd putting your shirt on to check the new message.

Walking to the train your only focus is on your phone and you don't even know

what is going on around you. Throughout the whole day the only thing that

is on your mind is that next new message. You go home and fall asleep waiting

on the new message and wake up and do the same thing all over again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

not revised same draft/final draft

More people are confused on what kind of break downs their society is having and they do not know what is causing this to happen. Digital technology has affected our society in many ways that we are not able to notice the good or bad things about it. Not being able to notice these things kind of brain wash our society into not seeing things in our own point of view.

Digital technology has its good and bad things about it. Most people can only notice the good things like how efficient it is with it helping them to get around more easier. It is also a faster way to get information and how it keep them updated with the latest news and fashion that people are wearing. The bad thing it does to you is that it brain washes you in its own ways. For example websites about celebrities and their personal life an what they are wearing now a days becomes a addiction because you want to have the latest 411 on what is going on and you want to gossip about it. Another addiction that is common is cell phones and how people constantly checking them and do not want to miss anything on their phone. The bad rules out the goods because it always end up with being brain wash about something or some kind of addiction happening so that is why there are more bads than goods.

The movie Wall-E shows a perfect example of brain washing using digital technology because in the movie all the humans cleared earth and took a big space shuttle to space to live until earth started to grow its ecosystem again. The way they fooled the people to get onto this big space shuttle by showing them commercials about them living the best life ever and they were going to be in shape. That is a form of brain washing to convince them to take the risk and live out of space. What really happened on the space shuttle was that everybody was fat and was moved around in a chair and was updated on the latest outfit or meal to eat. They were so brain washed that they never notice what was going on the whole time or they never notice their surroundings because the digital technology kept them only focused on one thing.

Digital technology can't be stopped because it’s all around us and it will be hard to avoid. Now that everyone is use to it and use to all the information that it gives no one would want to stop using it. They would probably stop for a couple of days or maybe a couple of hours and get so antsy that would want to use it again and feel that they are missing part of their life’s.

In conclusion it is something we cant get rid of even if we try our hardest because it is going to be there no matter where you turn. Also as the years go by technology becomes more advance, which makes it even harder to avoid because now or sooner or later you would be able to sit back and relax and technology would do all your work for you.


to stephanie

I see that you have a good plan on what you want to write about. I think if you make good connections and give good examples your paper would be strong. I think you should make your thesis more brief and more explination about what you are trying to prove. What is going to be the main points in your allegory? I also chose wall-e as one of my topics and I think that was a perfect example because of all the brain washing they were using in the video just to convince people to get on the space ship thingy. But good luck with you paper and I hope you do well Anias

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

rough draft

More people are confused on what kind of break downs their society is having and they do not know what is causing this to happen. Digital technology has affect our society in many ways that we are not able to notice the good or bad things about it. Not being able to notice these things kind of brain wash our society into not seeing things in our own point of view.

Digital technology has its good and bad things about it. Most people can only notice the good things like how efficient it is with it helping them to get around more easier. It is also a faster way to get infomation and how it keep sthem updated with the latest news and fashion that people are wearing. The bad thing it does to you is that it brain washes you in its own ways. For example webistes about celeberties and their personal life an dwhat they are wearing now a days becomes a addiction because you want to have the latest 411 on what is going on and you want to gosssip about it. Another addiction that is common is cell phones and how people constantly checking them and do not want to miss anything on there phone. The bad rules out the goods because it always end up with being brain wash about something or some kind of addiction happening so that is why there are more bads than goods.

The movie Wall-E shows a perfect exmaple of brain washing using digital technology because in the movie all the humans cleared earth and took a big space shuttle to space to live until earth started to grow its ecosystem again. The way they fooled the people to get onto this big space shuttle by showing them commericals about them living the best life ever and they were going to be in shape. That is a form of brain washing to convince them to take the risk and live out of space. What really happened on the space shuttle was that everybody was fat and was moved around in a chair and was updated on the latest outfit or meal to eat. They were so brain washed that they never notice what was going on the whole time or they never notice thier surroundings because the digital technology kept them only focused on one thing.

Digital technology can't be stopped because its all around us and it will be hard to avoid. Now that everyone is use to it and use to all the infomation that it gives no one would want to stop using it. They would probably stop for a couple of days or maybe a couple of hours and get so antsy that would want to use it again and feel that they are missing part of their lifes.

In conclusion it is something we cant get rid of even if we try our hardest because it is going to be there no matter where you turn. Also as the years go by technology becomes more advance which makes it even harder to avoid because now or sooner or later you would be able to sit back and relax and technology would do all your work for you.


I want to write about how digital technology can affect or society

thesis:digital technolgy has affect our society in many ways that we are not able to notcie the good and bad things about it. Not being able to notice these things kind of brain wash us into not seeing things in our own point of view.

argument 1: the good and bad about digtal tecnology

argument 2: how the movie walle uses a good example of digital technology

argument 3: my personal opinion on digital technology


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feed B

I think feed points out the things that we don't see in our life. With feed showing it to us makes it crazy because we never notice these things until some one or something points it out to us. Then we have like a surprised look like wow I never notice that and I think that is not good because we can't notice the little things in life that makes us the way we are. If it wasn't for books like feed I think we would still be like zombies and only paying attention to the gossip that some one writes in a magazine.

Our project when we had to record what we did while we are using digital things was a good example of how much of a zombie we are because during the video you can see that our main focus was on what we were doing. I think if something was to happen during that time I think most of us wouldn't notice because we were so focus on that one thing. Feed reflects perfectly on that because if you read the book it is like you are reading a book about zombies and all they care about is what the new feed is so they could fit in.

If more teens were to notice the situation they were in with technology, I think we would have more of a change. But in a way I think we won't because a lot of people wouldn't care and just continue what they are doing and continue being zombies. If people do change then we would see a lot of interesting things in life and that would be a great change to have. Feed should be recommened by more teens to read to see if they realize that feed is showing them that this is how they really are and they need to change soon.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A

Feed is suppose to be an example of the modern teenage life. From what I have read I think that they are somewhat on point with the things that are going on. They give good examples about how we are addicted to a lot of things that are around us and how the way we dress are based on the way other people dress like celebrities. Also the things that are not on point is that they are so into it that they don't realize what is going on but most of the time we realize the things we are doing.

In our modern life we have different things that we are hooked to like myspace, facebook, twitter, and stuff like media takeout that keeps you up to date with what is going on in a celebrity life and all the new gossip. But in feed they just have that one thing call feed so that makes everybody hooked on that one thing so everybody would know the new style and everybody would be the same. In our modern world everybody is different in many different ways because we aren't all looking at the same topic.

The interesting part about feed is that they gossip everyday about the new things that they hear. I think that is how it is in the modern world because when we find out something new we can't wait to see our friend the next day to gossip about it and give our own opinion. The only thing that still confuses me about this book is what is a lesion? How is that connected to modern life and what is it suppose to be.

Overall I think feed was a good example but it could of been more clear. I think if it was more clear then more people would be able to understand what was going on. I would recommend other people to read the book so they would be able to realize what is going on and be more caution about their surroundings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

response to comments

to stephanie

Yea there were times I looked at my tv to see what was going on and i also had my phone out so i was texting and on aim at the same time. The funny thing is while I was doing the video I had my phone out, watching tv, on twitter, facebook, myspace, listening to music and doing my hw at the same time. That shows how much technology I was using at once and how I kept myself occupied and also how I was distracted by things that was going on around me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


to stephanie

i see with all the things you were doing you had the chance to put on your little lip gloss to look pretty lol but other than that it was a good video it shows the different technology you use daily and it also shows that once you get bored with one you quickly switch to another and be occupied for awhile and maybe a little music in the background would of made the video more interesting.
well i am out - anias

to elias

ok your video was a bit shaky and it was hard to tell what you was doing but overall you had good examples of using technology. there was also times when you were happy to be on camera showing off your watch and what not but it was good that you were not to focus on the camera. i agree with you about having friends and school and other stuff to keep you away from all these distractions because there are times when am hanging out with my friends and that keeps me from thinking about all these other things. anias

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

interviews and surveys

For a family member I interviewed myy mother and she only spends like a few hours like around 4 or 5 because most of the day she takes care of my little brother and when she gets the chance to put him to sleep so she goes to sleep also. For how many hours she think we should spend on using technology is not that much because she thinks we get disttracted to easily and it stops us from getting our work done.

On the streets I interviewed a man and he had a very interesting point. He said he only uses his phone for about 4 hours of the day but think kids should be on their phones 24 hours a day. His reason for that is because he feels that we should stay in touch with the people close to us such as our family and friends so we won't forget about eacother and we would be able to talk about memories etc. I also interviewed a boy and he looked like he was about 19 20 and he said he doesn't spend that much time on his phone but thinks we should spend as much time as we need on the computer if it involves home work.

For my bestfriend they said that they basically spends all day on their phone because they are constantly on aim and always texting so thats basically all day except for when they are taking a nap or sleeping.

video project

My video might be short but I htink its good enough so be kind and leave me some comments.

Thoughts I had was like wow I am real focus on all dis technology and don't even notice it. I don'tt think I would want my little brother spending this much time using technology but I think it would be hard to keep him away from it and it would be hard for him not to use it. I feel that way because as we move more and more into new generations technology becomes more depending on so for my little brother as he get older he is going to want to use computers and cell phones more.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Response to Comments

To Wright: I am glad that you agree with my idea about always checking your phone for a text message rather than checking your planner to see what homework you have due. I also think that it is interesting that you have the idea of having the planner in your phone so you would be able to keep up with your homework but the problem about that is you are relying on your technology to keep up to date with things you can do on your own. Yes we do need to change that because that is just an excuse of being lazy and not wanting to do things on your own.

To Jessica C: You have a good question about what if we were force to you use or planners because our phones were not up to date and what I think about that is people would be more into school because they would be able to check their home work and be able to get them in on time. Also while we are getting that done we could be able to socialize a little with our peers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

1st blog post

Having technology in our lives is a positive and a negative. I feel this way because the positive about technology is that it is a eazier way to get in touch with some one if it was a emergency and the negative is that it can distract you. I can always remember to pick up my phone and check to see if I have a new message but I could never remember to check my planner to see if I have homework and that shows how technology can brain wash you in ways than you are not really aware of.