Monday, September 14, 2009

1st blog post

Having technology in our lives is a positive and a negative. I feel this way because the positive about technology is that it is a eazier way to get in touch with some one if it was a emergency and the negative is that it can distract you. I can always remember to pick up my phone and check to see if I have a new message but I could never remember to check my planner to see if I have homework and that shows how technology can brain wash you in ways than you are not really aware of.


  1. I feel the same way, I always look at my phone to see who texted me or to text someone else. I never look at my planner to see if I have homework. I feel that if I that if i the planner was in my phone and i could use that I would but that is the prolbem. We have to find ways to change that.

  2. i liked how you related to yourself and how technology is used in your life somehow. i would have to say that i agree with you on how people are somehow being brain washed and not being aware of it. we rely on technology a lot cus it really does make life easier. but what if you never had a phone and you was forced to use a planer because phones were not up to date and couldnt do the things they do now?
    i enjoyed reading your response :)

  3. nice post! I liked the ideas you brought up in your post. I often find myself going through the same exact things. Me, for example, when I'm work, tend to get really distracted by my phone. As hard as I may try, I still cannot seem to get away from my phone for enough, I can put it down for maybe 5 -10 minutes at a time. I hate when I don't look at my planner though, and I hate the fact that one can get in that state of addiction with things even as serious as school. In your next post, you should expand on your idea of distractions, especially if you can name numerous ways you may get distracted. I hope to comment on your posts soon again, see ya later buddy !
