Monday, September 21, 2009

Response to Comments

To Wright: I am glad that you agree with my idea about always checking your phone for a text message rather than checking your planner to see what homework you have due. I also think that it is interesting that you have the idea of having the planner in your phone so you would be able to keep up with your homework but the problem about that is you are relying on your technology to keep up to date with things you can do on your own. Yes we do need to change that because that is just an excuse of being lazy and not wanting to do things on your own.

To Jessica C: You have a good question about what if we were force to you use or planners because our phones were not up to date and what I think about that is people would be more into school because they would be able to check their home work and be able to get them in on time. Also while we are getting that done we could be able to socialize a little with our peers.

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