Thursday, November 5, 2009

not revised same draft/final draft

More people are confused on what kind of break downs their society is having and they do not know what is causing this to happen. Digital technology has affected our society in many ways that we are not able to notice the good or bad things about it. Not being able to notice these things kind of brain wash our society into not seeing things in our own point of view.

Digital technology has its good and bad things about it. Most people can only notice the good things like how efficient it is with it helping them to get around more easier. It is also a faster way to get information and how it keep them updated with the latest news and fashion that people are wearing. The bad thing it does to you is that it brain washes you in its own ways. For example websites about celebrities and their personal life an what they are wearing now a days becomes a addiction because you want to have the latest 411 on what is going on and you want to gossip about it. Another addiction that is common is cell phones and how people constantly checking them and do not want to miss anything on their phone. The bad rules out the goods because it always end up with being brain wash about something or some kind of addiction happening so that is why there are more bads than goods.

The movie Wall-E shows a perfect example of brain washing using digital technology because in the movie all the humans cleared earth and took a big space shuttle to space to live until earth started to grow its ecosystem again. The way they fooled the people to get onto this big space shuttle by showing them commercials about them living the best life ever and they were going to be in shape. That is a form of brain washing to convince them to take the risk and live out of space. What really happened on the space shuttle was that everybody was fat and was moved around in a chair and was updated on the latest outfit or meal to eat. They were so brain washed that they never notice what was going on the whole time or they never notice their surroundings because the digital technology kept them only focused on one thing.

Digital technology can't be stopped because it’s all around us and it will be hard to avoid. Now that everyone is use to it and use to all the information that it gives no one would want to stop using it. They would probably stop for a couple of days or maybe a couple of hours and get so antsy that would want to use it again and feel that they are missing part of their life’s.

In conclusion it is something we cant get rid of even if we try our hardest because it is going to be there no matter where you turn. Also as the years go by technology becomes more advance, which makes it even harder to avoid because now or sooner or later you would be able to sit back and relax and technology would do all your work for you.

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