Sunday, December 13, 2009

HW 27

What I notice when I interviewed people on the streets was that some haven't been cool all there lifes and some been cool most of there lifes. One guy he was wearing a buisness suit and had a breif case so it look like he was on his way to work and I approched him and asked him what he think the definition of cool is? He said he thinks the definition of cool is being known by a lot of people so when you walk around people would come up to you and say aren't you such and such. Then I asked him was he cool in highschool and college? He said in Highschool he was real cool because he went to a small school and everybody knew eachother but he was known as one of the coolest guys. When he got to college everything chnage because he felt left out and he didnt know everyone. From interviewing that guy I think a lot of people have that same point of view and feel that the less people you know the more uncool you are.

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