Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 56

Q1: What is a good friend to you?
Q:2 What is a bad friend to you?
Q:3 Are you close to all your friends?


Q1: A good friend is someone that's always there for you when you are going through the good and bad. No matter what the situation is you can always look to that friend for help and that's what I think a good friend is.

Q2: A bad friend is someone that tries to take advantage of you and takes you kindness for granted. I don't like people like that because it makes me not want to have anything to do with them and I am wasting my time being around them, so I don't need them in my life.

Q3: Am not close to all my friends because some are good and some I just don't need to really talk to because they don't need to really know what is going on with me and my family.


Q1: Someone that's there when you need them like if I was to get into a fight aa good friend would be there to have my back.

Q2: A bad friend wouldn't of been there they would of been in hiding because they could careless what would happen to you.

Q3: No because I don't feel like talking to most of them and some of them are just boring.


Q1: A good friend is someone that doesn't talk behind your back and when they find out when somone else is talking about you they tell you

Q2: A bad friend would be nice to you in your face and then when you turn your back they talk about you like your their worst enemy.

Q3: No because not all of them is good to be around, they can make you look bad and have a bad rep.

After doing this interview I notice that people have a different look on what a good friend is to what a bad friend is. I agree with some of the answers that was given in the interview because some people are like that and you can't trust certain people. Its hard for some people to notice the good friends and the bad friends because a lot of them are in disguise so you wouldn't know their real personalilty.

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