Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HW 58

Based off talking to my parents about parenting and how they think parenting should be. They think a good parent should always be there for their child no matter what the situation is. The reason for that is because they think a parent should be able to keep their kids confident about anything they do because a lot of kids like to give up on things when they notice they can't do it anymore or they are not good at it. I agree with that because if more parents were like that then more kids would much more successful in the things they do.

Things I would take in on becoming a good parent is the kids that I am growing up with now. How they act and how their parents would react to they way they act because a lot of people act different around their parents. So if their parents were to see them when they are not around and then they would pop up and the kids act would change, to me that shows good parenting because it shows the parent has the upper hand and when they are around things go the way they want them to.

Another thing is how my parents raised me I would take that and mix it with how I think parenting should be and try to raise my kids that way. Being there for kids is the number one thing that makes parenting good. If your there enough to me everything else comes easy because your child wouldn't be afraid to ask for help and you would be able to trust them with the things that they choose to do.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

HW 57

Do you think babies should be treated more like adults or like puppies?

I think babies should be treated like puppies because they don't know how to take care of themselves just yet. If we was to leave it up to themselves I think they wouldn't last long because they wouldn't know what to do or what's right from wrong. So I think that's why our society treat babies like puppies so it would be a easier process for them to understand the situation.

Do you think parenting comes naturally?

I think it takes practice to become a good parent or how to raise a child. A good way to practice is if you have little cousins or siblings that would be a good way to practice on how to parent children. I think reading books tells you how to raise certain kids in a way other people want to see kids raise and that's the "good way".

I clicked on the link "when parenting theories backfire" and that explains what I was trying to say when a book wants you to raise your child in a way they think it is good. When you try it, it doesn't always work and things go wrong.

HW 56

Q1: What is a good friend to you?
Q:2 What is a bad friend to you?
Q:3 Are you close to all your friends?


Q1: A good friend is someone that's always there for you when you are going through the good and bad. No matter what the situation is you can always look to that friend for help and that's what I think a good friend is.

Q2: A bad friend is someone that tries to take advantage of you and takes you kindness for granted. I don't like people like that because it makes me not want to have anything to do with them and I am wasting my time being around them, so I don't need them in my life.

Q3: Am not close to all my friends because some are good and some I just don't need to really talk to because they don't need to really know what is going on with me and my family.


Q1: Someone that's there when you need them like if I was to get into a fight aa good friend would be there to have my back.

Q2: A bad friend wouldn't of been there they would of been in hiding because they could careless what would happen to you.

Q3: No because I don't feel like talking to most of them and some of them are just boring.


Q1: A good friend is someone that doesn't talk behind your back and when they find out when somone else is talking about you they tell you

Q2: A bad friend would be nice to you in your face and then when you turn your back they talk about you like your their worst enemy.

Q3: No because not all of them is good to be around, they can make you look bad and have a bad rep.

After doing this interview I notice that people have a different look on what a good friend is to what a bad friend is. I agree with some of the answers that was given in the interview because some people are like that and you can't trust certain people. Its hard for some people to notice the good friends and the bad friends because a lot of them are in disguise so you wouldn't know their real personalilty.

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 53

I think the usefulness of the result is to give you a idea on who you are if you have no clue. After the end of the survey and it tells you who you are then you might agree and say hey I see myself as that kind of person. Then when you find out what possible jobs may fit your personality you might start to look into those jobs and see if you would like to something like that.

Monday, May 3, 2010

hw 52

My theory on human relations when it comes to power is that everyone wants power. If you ask any one if they wish they had power they would say yes because they would love if they could make some one do everything and they could sit back and watch. If someone was in charge of the world like a king back in the days I think the world would probably turn into a slave place again. My reasoning for this theory is because people have their own needs and would like things to be run their own way. If not a slave place then it would corrupt because they would probably have no laws and people would be able to do what they want.

My theory on friendship is that everyone needs a friend to have to talk to and tell them everything. I think without friends a lot of people would of kept it to their selves or even write in a diary.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

hw 51

School is a big thing in everyones life when they are growing up. If you don't go to school you most likely won't end up with a good job and you basically fail at life. If you go to school and drop out before you graduate, you are basically saying you gave up and you don't care anymore. The message the its really being given is go to school or you would end up a fool.

School has train us to study hard or else your not going to know what is going on. Pay attention cause you might get confused on what is going on. If you don't do your Homework you are just making the lesson harder for yourself and you are putting yourself in a big hole. School trains us to think that without school there is no moving on in life. School trains us to wake up early to be taught things most of us do not want to learn and remember to use them in a future situation.

Can the way school is run be change? I don't think so because its been tradition for school to be like that and to change it there probably will be a whole process that will take a few years. First you got to sit in on different classes and see the different ways you can change it to make it more interesting. Then you have to get the parents opinion on it an see if it would conveinent to change the way school is taught. Also the students have to give their thoughts on it and see if they would like the change or not. Then you have to take it up with the government and bored of education and see if they agree with the change etc. So I think its too much of a process to change everything.

My view on school is that at times it is a waste of time because we learn things that we would never need in life. Its good to learn new things but I think it would be more conveinent if we learned something we need when we are finsih with school. That way when it comes up we would know what to do and know how to handle the situation. Also having school 5 times a week seems like a little too much because that equals more stress on a student and less time to rest because there is so much work from different classes and a limited time to do each so you could get them done so I think school should atleast b 3-4 days a week.

School also depends on how the teacher aproches it. If the teacher is dedicated and willing to teach things that is needed in our daily lifes then students would agree on learing it. But if a teacher gives a negative approach then the students ego goes down because the teacher feels someting else could be more important than learning things like that. In most situations a teachers opinion would always be greater than a students opinion so what you want to learn is up to them and the teacher is the main source of being brain wash which is one thing that is hard to avoid.

Monday, April 26, 2010

hw 50

I read the article on Gatto and the six lessons and it basically talks about he think school should be and the tricks students try to pull to get out of class. Also tells how he feels on the different types of students from the good ones to the bad ones. His class is strict and constantly try to keep kids in check so they won't slip up and make him our themselves look bad. He also talks about how teachers could never live up to the six lesson and wouldn't be able follow it.

What I think about the six lessons is that a lot of teachers try to do what the six lessons explain but they put their own twist into so it wouldn't seem that strict. If a teacher was to do exactly what the six lessons say then students would take their class seriously and wouldn't want to miss class. I think that is kind of like Mr.Z class where students try not miss his class and in ways he seems strict because he wants kids to learn.