Friday, January 22, 2010

Cool paper final

What do you think the definition of being cool is? Do you think you fit that definition? What I think the definition of cool is being known by a lot of people or know a lot of "important" people. Being cool can also be define by the things you wear, because base on the things you wear lets people know if you are up to date with the latest style. Cool is also based on personality and if you are able to make people like you by just talking to them or the way you act towards them.

In this world cool plays a big role but it is not notice because no one really takes the time out and try to compare the word cool to the things that are going on around them. If someone was to take that into consideration then there would be more debates on being cool and how it affects the way people are living and would people be able to change it. If that goes in affect it probably would have a change but not that much of a change because most people would probably think that if the way i dress or the way I act considers me of being cool then so be it I'm going to keep doing the things that I do. But if it was to affect some people and they were to notice how being cool changed them and they don't really like it, they would just change up their ways a little bit to feel that they made a change.

Wearing Pradas seems cool to most people because the way they look and the fact of how much it cost and for some people that can afford it. But Pradas aren't only bought by people living the projects, I have seen people that Live in private houses or expensive apartments that could afford Pradas as much as the person living in the projects. So when other people see people wearing Pradas and see they could afford them it's like being pressured into get something just to look as cool as the next person or to just feel on the same level as them so you can't be put down. This just doesn't apply to Pradas it applies to all the hot sneakers, boots and clothing line that you see everybody wearing and most people wants it because they see everyone else with it.

How can I connect to cool? In ways that I think I connect to cool is by the way I dress because being cool in a way is being up to date with the latest fashion and in my eyes that is where I think I am at. Also in the beginning of the unit when Andy asked the question to the class, who in your grade do you think is "cool"? My name was brought up by a student and that shows me being cool because I am being talked about and/or known by people in the school that I attend. Another way I can connect to cool, is my personality and that's being the way I walk the halls or the way I talk when I'm with my friends and also the students I know that go to the school. Most students even Middle School students that go to the school knows who I am and in their minds (refering to the Middle School students) makes them feel cool because they know a cool person in High School.
The word cool is something you can't control or you can't notice. Cool is going to be around for a long time and as time goes by a new definition or a new meaning of cool would be talked about. Even if people talk about cool and try to change it, everything would always be the same because most people may change but won't change the big things but would change the little things that in some ways won't critize the things they still do.

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