Tuesday, September 29, 2009

interviews and surveys

For a family member I interviewed myy mother and she only spends like a few hours like around 4 or 5 because most of the day she takes care of my little brother and when she gets the chance to put him to sleep so she goes to sleep also. For how many hours she think we should spend on using technology is not that much because she thinks we get disttracted to easily and it stops us from getting our work done.

On the streets I interviewed a man and he had a very interesting point. He said he only uses his phone for about 4 hours of the day but think kids should be on their phones 24 hours a day. His reason for that is because he feels that we should stay in touch with the people close to us such as our family and friends so we won't forget about eacother and we would be able to talk about memories etc. I also interviewed a boy and he looked like he was about 19 20 and he said he doesn't spend that much time on his phone but thinks we should spend as much time as we need on the computer if it involves home work.

For my bestfriend they said that they basically spends all day on their phone because they are constantly on aim and always texting so thats basically all day except for when they are taking a nap or sleeping.

video project

My video might be short but I htink its good enough so be kind and leave me some comments.

Thoughts I had was like wow I am real focus on all dis technology and don't even notice it. I don'tt think I would want my little brother spending this much time using technology but I think it would be hard to keep him away from it and it would be hard for him not to use it. I feel that way because as we move more and more into new generations technology becomes more depending on so for my little brother as he get older he is going to want to use computers and cell phones more.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Response to Comments

To Wright: I am glad that you agree with my idea about always checking your phone for a text message rather than checking your planner to see what homework you have due. I also think that it is interesting that you have the idea of having the planner in your phone so you would be able to keep up with your homework but the problem about that is you are relying on your technology to keep up to date with things you can do on your own. Yes we do need to change that because that is just an excuse of being lazy and not wanting to do things on your own.

To Jessica C: You have a good question about what if we were force to you use or planners because our phones were not up to date and what I think about that is people would be more into school because they would be able to check their home work and be able to get them in on time. Also while we are getting that done we could be able to socialize a little with our peers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

1st blog post

Having technology in our lives is a positive and a negative. I feel this way because the positive about technology is that it is a eazier way to get in touch with some one if it was a emergency and the negative is that it can distract you. I can always remember to pick up my phone and check to see if I have a new message but I could never remember to check my planner to see if I have homework and that shows how technology can brain wash you in ways than you are not really aware of.