Monday, February 22, 2010

Hw 40


Why do you think school starts at 8:30 instead of 9:30?
Honestly I don't know but they need to start at 9:30 so I could get more sleep got me waking up so early.

Do you like what you are being taught in school? Why or why not?
No because it don't interest me I just feel like going to sleep most of the time am in class


Why do you think school starts at 8:30 instead of 9:30?
I don't know but the only reason I go on time is cause my grandmother always wake me up early. If it wasn't for her I would be late everyday cause I would sleep until about 9

Do you like what you are being taught in school? why or why not?
I don't know what they teach in that school I just go because I have to


When you was in High school would you of like school to start at 9:30 instead of 8:30?
It wouldn't really matter to me because regardless of the fact you still have to wake up early but I think that extra hour of sleep would of been solid

Is the college lesson different from the High school lesson and in what ways?
Its not that much different I'm just learning more advance stuff than I did in High school


When you was in school were you always on time? Why?
No because I never felt like waking up it was too early for me

Were you interested in the lessons? Why or not?
They were alright I just did what I had to do to get up out of there


Do you like the fact of school starting so early? Why?
No its to early but sometimes I could deal with it and other times I don't feel like getting up

What interest you the most about school?
Nothing really its just the same thing but different days

What I find interesting about school is how teachers can go through this everyday. They teach the same people everyday and deal with all the fooling around and don't annoyed and want to choke somebody. I think if I was a teacher I would have to kill somebody because I can't take the same things everyday.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 First School Assignment

Questions: What is the point of suspension? Why is school split into 2 semesters? Why do we have school Monday - Friday?

Ideas: School on certain days should be just strictly study time and allow students to catch up on work. Teachers should prep their lesson more before they give a big project. Lunch should be 10 - 15 mins longer.

A aspect in school that is grate for me is friends because it keeps me going makes me want to come to school. I think when you have friends in school you look forward to school more because you get to hang out with them for most of the day and you get to make jokes. Or the person doesn't have to be you friend, they could be someone you always joke around with in class and make people laugh, so you look forward to that and it gets you to wake up every morning and leave your house.

Another aspect that is great is having a good relationship with the teacher because it makes you feel more comfortable in their class and you won't be afraid to speak out. For example I think Elias and Chris have a good relationship with Andy because Chris and Elias are always joking on Andy and Andy takes until he finally thinks of a joke to say back. I think that is good because students look forward to things like that because they are able to laugh and have a good time.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cool Video Project

Here is my video leave a comment and let me know what you think about it, my group memebers are Granit, Samantha, and Chloe. The video is shown from four different point of views while in gym class and how different people interact with their peers.

Untitled from Cloe on Vimeo.

The insights of cool that the video integrates is how different people having their own way of being cool in gym and try interact with as many people as they can. What you would notice in the video is most of the boys are playing basketball or ping pong and most of the girls is either playing volleyball or sitting on the side. I think that shows how things get split and different sights of cool starts to kick in. After watching the video, my question was how are other gym classes at different schools? and are they seperated the way our gym class is seperated?

Making the video as a group we thought it would be good to make it from eacother's point of view and show what we do in gym on a regular basis. From Chloe's point of view she was just sitting on the side whtching all the different things going on around her like me playing basketball, Sam playing volleyball and Granit playing ping pong. Overall I thought it was a good video and the contributions made the video come out real good.

Making art seems cool because you can see a visual of what a person is thinking rather than listening to what they have to say and not being confused. I also like to watch a lot of videos because it makes me feel like I'm actually there while the event was being taking place. For art I like to see the skill people have to be able to make a drawing look real because I am amuse by little things like that. If I understand the point the artist is trying to put out with the drawing I could stare away and starting thinking and go into my own world.