Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feed B

I think feed points out the things that we don't see in our life. With feed showing it to us makes it crazy because we never notice these things until some one or something points it out to us. Then we have like a surprised look like wow I never notice that and I think that is not good because we can't notice the little things in life that makes us the way we are. If it wasn't for books like feed I think we would still be like zombies and only paying attention to the gossip that some one writes in a magazine.

Our project when we had to record what we did while we are using digital things was a good example of how much of a zombie we are because during the video you can see that our main focus was on what we were doing. I think if something was to happen during that time I think most of us wouldn't notice because we were so focus on that one thing. Feed reflects perfectly on that because if you read the book it is like you are reading a book about zombies and all they care about is what the new feed is so they could fit in.

If more teens were to notice the situation they were in with technology, I think we would have more of a change. But in a way I think we won't because a lot of people wouldn't care and just continue what they are doing and continue being zombies. If people do change then we would see a lot of interesting things in life and that would be a great change to have. Feed should be recommened by more teens to read to see if they realize that feed is showing them that this is how they really are and they need to change soon.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Feed A

Feed is suppose to be an example of the modern teenage life. From what I have read I think that they are somewhat on point with the things that are going on. They give good examples about how we are addicted to a lot of things that are around us and how the way we dress are based on the way other people dress like celebrities. Also the things that are not on point is that they are so into it that they don't realize what is going on but most of the time we realize the things we are doing.

In our modern life we have different things that we are hooked to like myspace, facebook, twitter, and stuff like media takeout that keeps you up to date with what is going on in a celebrity life and all the new gossip. But in feed they just have that one thing call feed so that makes everybody hooked on that one thing so everybody would know the new style and everybody would be the same. In our modern world everybody is different in many different ways because we aren't all looking at the same topic.

The interesting part about feed is that they gossip everyday about the new things that they hear. I think that is how it is in the modern world because when we find out something new we can't wait to see our friend the next day to gossip about it and give our own opinion. The only thing that still confuses me about this book is what is a lesion? How is that connected to modern life and what is it suppose to be.

Overall I think feed was a good example but it could of been more clear. I think if it was more clear then more people would be able to understand what was going on. I would recommend other people to read the book so they would be able to realize what is going on and be more caution about their surroundings.

Monday, October 5, 2009

response to comments

to stephanie

Yea there were times I looked at my tv to see what was going on and i also had my phone out so i was texting and on aim at the same time. The funny thing is while I was doing the video I had my phone out, watching tv, on twitter, facebook, myspace, listening to music and doing my hw at the same time. That shows how much technology I was using at once and how I kept myself occupied and also how I was distracted by things that was going on around me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


to stephanie

i see with all the things you were doing you had the chance to put on your little lip gloss to look pretty lol but other than that it was a good video it shows the different technology you use daily and it also shows that once you get bored with one you quickly switch to another and be occupied for awhile and maybe a little music in the background would of made the video more interesting.
well i am out - anias

to elias

ok your video was a bit shaky and it was hard to tell what you was doing but overall you had good examples of using technology. there was also times when you were happy to be on camera showing off your watch and what not but it was good that you were not to focus on the camera. i agree with you about having friends and school and other stuff to keep you away from all these distractions because there are times when am hanging out with my friends and that keeps me from thinking about all these other things. anias